Friday, April 27, 2007

Can you guess this riddle . . . ?

I am bigger than God.
I’m more cruel than Satan.
The beggars are full of me.
The rich people need me.
If you eat me, you will die.
(I'll give the answer later in the comment-box)


none said...

I don't know the answer but I can identify with the guy on that cartoon.

Anonymous said...

you look so superficial on that picture above, kirsten.

why do people have the need to smile when taking a picture.

Kirsten N. Namskau said...

Vinai: I'm not smiling on that picture ...

Lexcen said...

winai, stop sucking the lemon.

Jeannie said...


Lexcen said...

I had to laugh when I checked winai's blog only to see a comment from BBC telling winai he is a "fucking idiot" for paying any attention to you (Kirsten). No need to publish this if you don't want to.

The Phosgene Kid said...

got nothing - completly stumped. I was never good at riddles, though I do like crossword puzzles...

How have you been?

concerned citizen said...

Hmmmm....I'm stumped.
maybe I'll get it before you answer.

I would imagine people don't smile because they have to, they smile because they want to.

Kirsten N. Namskau said...

Lexcen: Ha ha ha, you know, they are too "spiritual" to understand their own .... whatever. I don't bother to even read their blogs any more, so I don't know what they are saying abt me. Whatever they say and believe will not change neither me nor any facts of/in my life.
BBC also still send comments, so he also is "posessed" abt me then!!! I only don't accept his comments any longer. I can se any value in his insultings.
He sent me $20 though ... That was nice of him, wasn't it. I assume, that is what he is doing to get some chicks to read his blog.
Afterwards, he sent me a mail telling me to give the $20 to the poor, which I have done.
They have such a "pure" mind those two ...

Kirsten N. Namskau said...

Phos: You have given the answer ... without knowing it yourself.
Isn't that how life is many times??? The answer of a problem is right in front of us, we only don't realize it.

Kirsten N. Namskau said...

And the answer of the riddle is:

... NOTHING ...

~ It is more of < nothing > than of God
~ < Nothing > can be more cruel than Satan.
~ Beggars are full of < nothing >
~ Rich people need < nothing >
~ If you eat < nothing >, you for sure will die.

Infinitesimal said...

i got the answer