Wednesday, February 21, 2007

hospitals unsanitary and low safety catch . . .
Hiv-skandale i Italia

20.02.2007 kl. 21:38 Kilde: NTB
Tips en venn
Tre italienere fikk i forrige uke transplantert organer fra en hiv-positiv kvinne. Risikoen for at de vil bli hiv-smittet er svært høy.

VG Nett følger
- Dette var en tragisk menneskelig feil, innrømmet direktør Edoardo Majno ved Careggi-sykehuset i Firenze tirsdag. Ifølge legene døde donoren, en 41-årig kvinne, av hjerneslag. Familien besluttet å donere organene hennes, men de var trolig ikke klar over at hun var hiv-positiv. Tabben skyldes en menneskelig feil ved sykehusets laboratorium.De tre pasientene har fått transplantert kvinnens lever og nyrer.Italienske leger frykter nå at saken vil bli en belastning for pasienter som venter på transplantasjon.Historier om uhygieniske forhold og lav kvalitetssikring på landets sykehus har florert i mediene den siste tiden, og i januar ble alle offentlige sykehus inspisert av politiet. Undersøkelsen avdekket alvorlige regelbrudd ved hvert sjette sykehus.Blant de mest omtalte sakene er historien om en 16 år gammel jente som døde under en blindtarmoperasjon fordi strømmen gikk og oksygentilførselen ikke var koblet til en generator.

- From a Norwegian News-paper Feb 21. 2007

Free translation below

Three Italian was last week receiving organs for transplantation from a HIV- positive woman. The risk that they will become HIV-positive is extremely high.

VG News-paper reports:

This is a tragically human mistake, the director Edoardo Majno at Careggi-hospital in Firenze said Tuesday. According to the doctors the donor, 41 years old woman, died of stroke. Her family decided to donate her organs, but were likely not aware of that the woman was HIV-positive.
The flaw appeared by a human mistake at the hospitals laboratory.
The three patients have received the woman’s liver and kidneys.
The Italian doctors fear now that this case will become a strain to patients that are waiting for organ-transplantation.

The history of the hospitals unsanitary and low safety catch has been so rampant in the media lately, that in January all the hospitals were inspected by the police.
The investigation showed that every 6th hospital lacked by sever unsanitary and low safety catch.
Among the most sever cases was the case about a young girl of 16 years that died under an appendix operation because the electricity went off and the oxygen-resuscitator was not connected to a generator.

If you ask me . . . This is simply unacceptable. This is not a human mistake . . . This is negligence and disrespect towards your fellow human.


none said...

Here in the US 90,000 people die unnecessarily due to hospital negligence. Thats more then twice the number that die in car accidents.

The Phosgene Kid said...

One of my relatives went in for an operation and had to draw a circle around the knee they were going to operate on with a marker to ensure the surgeon didn't have a go at the wrong one.

Lexcen said...

Recently, there was a report about how many people died in Australian hospitals due to negligence and mistakes every year, it was in the thousands.

Anonymous said...

Stop being so negative Kirsten

Kirsten N. Namskau said...

Hammer: I wonder where the honor of doing good work, have taken the way? This shows that it is more dangerous to go to hospital for a small operation than to come in an car-accident.

Phos: I believe you!!! A friend of mine in Norway got wrong leg amputated, because the doctor didn't know left from right. After both legs was gone, they discovered that it wouldn't have been necessary to amputate anything at all, in the first place.

Lexcen: Hospitals are not what we believe they are ... Or at least, they don't hold/give what is expected.

Vin: This is not to be negative...This is a reference from a news-paper.
The only way to change the world, is if we open our eyes and start to react on wrong things.
Open our eyes and see what is REALLY going on around and with us.